Authentication of Shiny-server Application Using a Simple Method
The commercial version of Shiny-server has an authentication feature for shiny application. Before the release of the commercial (and still for open source version) version Shiny-server, it’s not easy to add authentication feature to shiny application. I want to share my experience of adding authentication feature to shiny application. It’s simple, but I can’t guarantee its security, if you can hack the feature, I am very pleased to hear.
The idea is: add a conditional command to encapsulate the output code, so if the condition is false, the output code will not be run. For example:
output$distPlot <- renderPlot({
if (USER$Logged == TRUE) {
dist <- NULL
dist <- rnorm(input$obs)
hist(dist, breaks = 100)
Where USER is an activeValue:
USER <- reactiveValues(Logged = FALSE)
Then we can create a login input widget to let user type user name and password.
output$uiLogin <- renderUI({
if (USER$Logged == FALSE) {
textInput("Username", "User Name:"),
textInput("Password", "Pass word:"),
actionButton("Login", "Log in")
output$pass <- renderText({
if (USER$Logged == FALSE) {
if (input$Login > 0) {
Username <- isolate(input$Username)
Password <- isolate(input$Password)
Id.username <- which(PASSWORD$Brukernavn == Username)
Id.password <- which(PASSWORD$Passord == Password)
if (length(Id.username) > 0 & length(Id.password) > 0) {
if (Id.username == Id.password) {
USER$Logged <- TRUE
} else {
"User name or password failed!"
The usernames and passwords can be saved in a data.frame in global environment. Also, we need to assign an initial value to Logged to control whether we want users to input their user names and passwords.
Logged = FALSE;
PASSWORD <- data.frame(Brukernavn = "withr", Passord = "123456")
Here is an example. Note: the username is withr and password is 123456.