Install Google serivces on Vivo X7 Plus(在VIVO X7Plus上安装谷歌各项服务)

I bought a VIVO X7Plus recently (2016-07-30) when I was in China. However, due to in China, I can’t use Gmail, so I didn’t setup my Gmail. When I back to Norway, and try to use Gmail, which I have used 10 years, I encountered a lot problems. I searched and tried many solutions, like root the mobile and movie some files, and never got lucky. After spending many hours, finally, I found one simple solution, so I would like share the method here, so people who encountered same problem can save several hours of their lives.

最近(2016-07-30)买了个VIVO X7plus,因为在国内没法访问Gmail所以也没有下载设置。等回到了挪威发现怎么也设置不好谷歌的各种服务。我尝试了许多方法,比如获取root权限,移动某个文件夹啊什么的,都没有成功。经过了多次试错后终于找到了一种简单的解决方案,特此分享,希望有同样问题的朋友不要走太多的弯路。

Step 1: 恢复出厂设置。


Step 2: 运行“谷歌安装器”。

在手机的“应用商店”里, 下载“谷歌安装器”。注意,有两个“谷歌安装器”,请选择下图红框所示(第二个)的。

Step 3: 运行“谷歌安装器”。

成功后,用谷歌商店下载Gmail会提示错误,不能下载 (无法下载“Gmail”,请重试。 错误代码[DF-DLA-15])。

Step 4: 删除谷歌账户。

设置 -> 账户与同步 -> 选择谷歌账号,然后用菜单键,调出删除账户,然后重启手机

Step 5: 打开“谷歌商店”下载各项服务。



Written on August 3, 2016